Saturday, July 24, 2010

New weight, new clothes

The past few weeks I've been fluctuating up and down with the weight. I will admit, I may have cheated a bit on some days. For me, repetition can become boring and I was getting bored with my Jenny Craig food. Even so, this week I buckled down and didn't cheat, resulting in another pound lost! I've lost 16 pounds and am only 10 pounds away from my original goal weight. Almost there! With the new weight comes a few problems. Namely, some of my old clothes are becoming very baggy. With school starting up, I decided to treat myself with some new clothes. I've been afraid to buy anything new because I know that I want to keep losing, and let's face it, I'm cheap. Even so, I headed to Ross with two things on my mind: khaki capris and black capris. I found the khaki ones, along with a new top and a very cute yellow dress. My shopping desire was fulfilled. I even found an old pair of black capris in a dresser that had a hole in the leg, which I think I'm going to patch up. I feel like a little kid buying new school clothes. Instead, I'm the adult teacher buying the clothes for school. At least I'll be cute!

I now weigh the same amount as I did when I moved to AZ!

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