Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 15

Baby Mc is the size of a baseball. I finally started emptying out the storage room and need to sell off that old tv that was in there.

3 weeks until the ultrasound where we find out the gender. I hope it's not a tease like last time.

I just bought...

Granny panties. This is not something I'm proud of, but it had to be done. Apparently pregnant women do not have the correct body structure for bikini undies. Andy laughed. I made a sad face. I'll get over it because I'm soooo comfortable now. I have finally started to accept the fact that I may not get my way and we may be bringing a Logan into this world instead of an Eliza. To help me accept this, I have been scouring the internet for cute boy rooms. It's very hard to find them, but they're out there. Girl rooms are still cuter. I'll be crossing my fingers until the end of the month.

Andy and I are getting ready to take our last real vacation, just he and I, to a place other than Michigan. Next weekend we'll be heading to San Diego and have booked tickets to go to Sea World and the San Diego Zoo. I wish we had more than three days to visit, but I'll take what I can get. It's scary to think that our vacations after this point will be family vacations, including baby Mc. I wish the weeks would slow down just a little bit.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick update

It has happened...I started school again. What this essentially means is that I am over worked, over tired, and falling asleep at around 9:30 every night. It also means the blog has not been updated in FOREVER. I'm apologizing now. I became very spoiled over the summer. I took 4 hour naps during the day, did no chores, and simply lounged on the couch. This is no more. The lounging on the couch still happens, but I'm actually trying to be productive. This year is actually a big step up for me. I am team leader (way excited), gifted mentor (not sure why they chose me, but I'm happy), still taking my masters classes (4 more to go!), and still incubating the babe. There's a lot on my plate, but I can do it.

Speaking of baby Mc. We have not been on the best of terms. I was very excited to be able to called Mc by its first name, preferably Eliza. However, he/she prefers the name baby Mc still. As we went to the ultrasound, Andy and I were so excited to find out the sex. We got to see a dance party going on in my belly...and then nothing. A whole lot of stubborn is what we saw. At first they said it was a boy (NOT HAPPY), then they said a girl. At the end, it's still undecided. We must wait for exactly one more month. It better show its goods!

I have officially started showing, although it may be baby bump mixed with Rachel chub. Even so, I'm going to say baby bump. It makes me feel better about myself. I'm excited to take pictures every few weeks to watch the bump grow. I actually started thinking yesterday about how I'm going to lose this weight. You see, I'm not a fan of exercise, or eating healthy. In fact, I just made brownies tonight. However, I refuse to keep my baby chub. REFUSE. I suppose I have many months to think about that.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well we haven't posted in a few weeks because I'm lazy and Rachel was out of town for a while. Her best friend Emily got married back in Michigan and we flew in for the ceremony. I was only back for 4 days but Rachel had the summer off so she went back for almost 2 weeks.

The entire time we were there I just couldn't get over the weather. It was upper 60's and overcast or raining most of the time. It was awesome! Phoenix started the summer late but we were above 105 almost every day in July. We were able to sneak down to Indiana to see my family which was fun.

The wedding was fun and then our anniversary was on the 28th, just 2 days after we got back. We've wanted to eat dinner at the Melting Pot ever since we moved here so this was a good occasion to go on. The Melting Pot is a fondue restaurant and we got the full experience: cheese, salad, meat tray with Mijo sauce, and bananas/white chocolate dessert.

Less than 2 weeks until Gender Revelation! Rachel is back in the classroom so her days sleeping in until noon are over for a long time.