After two and a half months of looking online EVERYDAY, applying to jobs (even those I didn't want) like crazy, and getting lucky enough to go to a few interviews...I was offered a position! I am once again a 2nd grade teacher. Andy and I basically watched the phone all day Thursday, being told I would hear back from the school I interviewed at, but there was no call. Then, early Friday morning it came and lots of screaming/jumping/phone call ensued. My mom was actually visiting and Andy was out of town, so it was nice to be able to celebrate with someone. I literally feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
So, the next week will be filled with daycare hunting for Logan, and hopefully some decorating in my classroom. I have one week left of vacation, and then I am a working girl. I'm just glad that I can now uncross my fingers...and toes.
Hello world!
1 year ago